First Slovene satellite in orbit NEMO-HD and cooperation with SPACE-SI
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Žiga Kokalj, PhDProject Team
Aleš Marsetič, PhD, Aleš Grlj, Urša Kanjir, PhD, Ana Smerdu, Nataša Đurić, Andreja Švab Lenarčič, PhD, Tatjana Veljanovski, PhD, Peter Pehani, Prof. Krištof Oštir, PhD, Peter Lamovec, PhD, Klemen Zakšek, PhD, Klemen Čotar-
18 March 2010 -
Lead Partner
The Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies SPACE-SI
Project Leader
Financial Source
Evropska vesoljska agencija
Sinergise Ltd
ZRC SAZU was among eleven research organizations and high-tech companies to establish consortium Slovenian Centre of Excellence SPACE-SI in 2010. Members of the Department of remote sensing (DRS) of the Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies ZRC SAZU presented one of the key research groups in the initial team – and this holds true ever since. Mostly we contribute with research projects addressing development of demanding algorithms for automatic or semi-automatic satellite data processing. Moreover we cooperate also in many long-term activities of the SPACE-SI (e.g., small satellite NEMO-HD; see also below), and at preparation and realization of various application and research projects. Cooperation between DRS and CE SPACE-SI is very intense, has long continuity, lasting more than 10 years, and encompasses exchange of expert knowledge and man-power in either direction.
In general public SPACE-SI is most commonly known by developing and assembling the first Slovene satellite NEMO-HD, which was launched in September 2020. NEMO-HD is optical micro-satellite, equipped with static and video imaging capabilities. Optical imagery is acquired in two modes: 4-band multispectral mode (B-G-R-NIR) of spatial resolution 5.6 m, and panchromatic mode of resolution 2.8 m. Video can be captured – apart from normal resolution – in HD resolution 1920 by 1080 pixels.
See also links given below.