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Klemen Zakšek, PhD

Former member

Former member

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Klemen Zakšek received his B.Sc. in geodesy and Ph.D. degree in remote sensing at University of Ljubljana. He worked at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia and the University of Hamburgu, Institute of Geophysics, Hamburg, Germany, where he also lectured GIS. Currently he is employed at the Zentrum für Telematik, Würzburg, Germany. His main research fields are time series analyses of air and surface temperatures observed with different sensors, image topographic normalization, cloud height estimation from satellite images and thermal anomaly monitoring on volcanoes. He is active in a very interdisciplinary field of work, which can be seen from the papers he has published in different research fields involving geodesy, archaeology, meteorology and volcanology. He (co)autored 25 publications indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) achieving in the last 10 years 280 citations. He is a reviewer at several journals (Publons lists him to have finished more than 80 reviews for over 30 journals) about remote sensing, meteorology, geophysics and GIS.  

Selected projects:

ZAKŠEK, Klemen – OŠTIR, Krištof, 2012, Downscaling land surface temperature for urban heat island diurnal cycle analysis. Remote sensing of environment, ISSN 0034-4257. [Print ed.], vol. 117, str. 114-124, ilustr.

ZAKŠEK, Klemen – OŠTIR, Krištof – KOKALJ, Žiga, 2011, Sky-view factor as a relief visualization technique. Remote sens. 3 (2): 398-415.

ZAKŠEK, Klemen – HORT, M. – ZALETELJ, Janez, – LANGMANN, B., 2013, Monitoring volcanic ash cloud top height through simultaneous retrieval of optical data from polar orbiting and geostationary satellites. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 2589-2606, doi:10.5194/acp-13-2589-2013.

LANGMANN, B. – ZAKŠEK, K. – HORT, M., – DUGGEN, S., 2010, Volcanic ash as fertiliser for the surface ocean. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 3891-3899, doi:10.5194/acp-10-3891-2010.

ZAKŠEK, Klemen – SCHROEDTER-HOMSCHEIDT, Marion, 2009, Parameterization of air temperature in high temporal and spatial resolution from a combination of the SEVIRI and MODIS instruments. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 64, Issue 4, 2009, pp. 414–421.

BSc of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, 2002

PhD, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, 2007

Research areas
Remote sensing T181

thermal anomalies
image processing
remote sensing