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The rise and fall of the Maya in the central Yucatan peninsula: archaeological surveys in an unexplored area


Until less than three decades ago, an extensive area in the central Yucatán Peninsula was almost completely unexplored archaeologically, even though it lies in the heartland of the territory once occupied by the Maya. The vast amount of information we have collected during field surveys conducted in this area since 1996 has contributed significantly to the understanding of Maya culture. However, several fundamental questions remain unanswered. A major reason is the complete lack of archaeological data for an area of about 4000 km2 in the eastern part of the Mexican state of Campeche. This is the last major blank that still persists on the archaeological map of the central Maya Lowlands. In order to reduce it, we acquired airborne laser scanning (ALS, lidar) data for a few zones in this territory. Our selection of these zones was based on some evident archaeological features and elements of the natural environment, which we perceived on the freely accessible remote sensing imagery. In these zones we will carry out field surveys and test excavations.


Based on chronologically sensitive architectural elements and ceramic material, collected on the surface and in stratigraphic test pits, we will attempt to reconstruct settlement dynamics in the area, focusing on the time depth and origin of the earliest colonization, as well as on the processes that led to the demise of the Classic Maya culture in the 9th and 10th centuries CE. We will search for inscriptional and other evidence that may shed light on the nature of relations of the area with the neighboring regions, particularly with the Río Bec zone and the state dominated by the Snake (Kaanul) dynasty. This information is expected to clarify the role that the changing fortunes of this kingdom centered at Calakmul played in the turbulent and still poorly understood Late Classic (c. 600-900 CE) political geography of the central Maya Lowlands. Finally, we will collect data on the type, extent, and chronology of landscape modifications related to agricultural and water management techniques. Our previous research in the neighboring Chactún region demonstrated the potential of these features for addressing some fundamental questions of archaeological relevance. Analyses of different types led us to conclude that the population pressure, deforestation, and agricultural overexploitation, combined with prolonged droughts in the 9th and 10th centuries, were important factors in the processes that led to the Terminal Classic collapse. Similar analyses conducted within the proposed project should show whether or to what extent the same scenario can be applied to a broader central lowland area.

Project Stages

The project will be carried out in four stages:

  • acquisition of airborne laser scanning (lidar) data,
  • lidar data processing,
  • fieldwork,
  • analyses and interpretation of data.

Lidar data acquisition (first phase) was performed by The National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) at the University of Houston, Texas, USA in March 2023, and was financed by the KJJ Foundation, USA. The project group has already processed lidar data and prepared appropriate visualizations. Fieldwork, which will include documentation of archaeological vestiges visible on the surface, collection of samples of surface material, and test excavations, is planned for the years 2024 and 2025 between March and June. The first analyses of the collected data will be carried out after each field season. The final stage will include the interpretation of data and preparation of the results for publication.

Research Project

majevska nižavja
terenski pregledi
poselitvena dinamika
upravljanje z vodo
regionalna interakcija
politična geografija
zgodnja kolonizacija
poznoklasični kolaps

Research Fields
Arheologija H340