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caENTI – Coordination Action of the European Network of Territorial Intelligence is funded by the European Union's 6th Framework Programme. Gathered are 8 universities and research centers in territorial intelligence, and 7 actors of the sustainable territorial development. caENTI combines the many research-action activities that have been carried out in Europe for more than fifteen years. It punctuates a succession of research projects aiming at developing knowledge and tools of territorial intelligence, with an ambition to establish a project of Network of excellence in 2009. As a general objective, the project aims to integrate current research projects on tools of territorial intelligence so as to give them a European dimension. Its strategy consists of promoting and supporting comparative research, with two specific operational objectives: the conception and the diffusion of tools, methodologies and research designs of territorial intelligence which are accessible, on the one hand, to the social sciences researchers and, on the other hand, to the actors of the sustainable development of territories; and the constitution of applicable data sets for multi-field research and territorial action.

The internet portal will be the base of a dialogue between the researchers and the agencies in territorial intelligence.

Research Project