Earth observation @ ESA – Opportunities for Slovenia
Published on: June 8, 2016
On 8 June 2016 Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia (MGRT RS), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) organized a conference Earth observation @ ESA – Opportunities for Slovenia. The event showed great interest in Earth observation in Slovenia and at the same time a high level of expertise already achieved. Nearly 50 participants, 8 presentations of Slovenian organizations and 5 presentations from ESA participants in the plenary part, 8 individual meetings and numerous useful discussions during the event are a proof that Slovenia is on the right track and may soon become an important member of this distinguished international organization. Delegation of the ESA raised this several times during the day.
Welcome address and introduction to the meeting
- Prof. Dr. Oto Luthar, Director, ZRC SAZU
- Dr. Sabina Koleša, Director General, Directorate for Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Technology, MGRT RS
- Dr. Maurice Borgeaud, Head of the Earth Observation Science, Applications, and Future Technologies Department, ESA ESRIN
All presentations are available for download.
Presentation of the Slovenian EO activities
- Sentinel Hub - Sentinel-2 satellite imagery distribution service, Grega Milčinski, Sinergise
- MMSI - Miniaturized Multispectral SWIR Imager, Dejan Gačnik, SkyLabs
- Earth Observation @ SPACE-SI, Krištof Oštir, SPACE-SI
- Sentinel-1 – development of customized services, Matjaž Ivačič, GeoCodis
- Remote sensing and EO data @ ZRC SAZU, Tatjana Veljanovski, ZRC SAZU
- New Ground Station and X-band transmitter for Real Time Earth Observation by MS Camera and HD Video, Tomaž Rodič, SPACE-SI
- Atmospheric science research for numerical weather prediction and climate modelling in Slovenia: contribution of the PECS program, Matic Šavli, University of Ljubljana
- Synthetic Aperture Radar for Earth observation in Slovenia, Peter Planinšič, University of Maribor
Overview of ESA EO programs
- Overall programmatics for new member states, Catherine Baudin, ESA
- Programmatic and administrative issues in EOEP5 (DOSTAG and PB-EO, PB-EO and IPC, …), Michel Verbauwhede, ESA
- EOEP4 and EOEP5 - 2017 to 2021 perspective, Maurice Borgeaud, ESA
- Opportunities for Slovenian entities to participate in EO activities, Gordon Campbell and Sveinung Loekken, ESA
- ESA procurement processes, Nathalie Boisard, ESA