Renewal of regional distribution of landscape types and outstanding landscapes in Slovenia and their digitization
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Žiga Kokalj, PhD-
Original Title
Prenova Regionalne razdelitve krajinskih tipov in izjemnih krajin v Sloveniji ter njihova digitalizacija
Project Team
Liza Stančič, PhD, Adam Gabrič-
Project ID
1 October 2021–30 September 2024 -
Lead Partner
University of Ljubljana (BF)
Project Leader
Financial Source
The project results include scientific basis on the topic of landscapes. We updated the content and the borders of Slovenian landscapes. We also digitised the outstanding landscapes and outstanding landscape features within those. The project results therefore present much needed basis for the implementation of international obligations and national legislation on landscapes. The fields for witch the results are of utmost importance include spatial planning, agriculture, environment protection, conservation of cultural heritage and conservation of nature. We achieved following goals:
- defining methodology of renewal of landscape regionalization,
- updating of previous regionalization with prepositions for future actions to prevent negative development of the landscapes and directives for conservation and development to be implemented in policies,
- update of previous list of outstanding landscapes on national level that should be implemented in spatial planning and environmental impact assessments,
- update on recognizable Slovenian landscapes and their inclusion in landscape regionalization,
- inventarisation and digitalization of landscape features in outstanding landscapes and preparation of georeferenced vector layers of landscape features in outstanding landscapes for their inclusion in spatial information system,
- preparation of vector data on the extents of landscapes and outstanding landscapes for their inclusion in spatial information system.
At the Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies we took care of inventarisation of the landscape features, which enable faster and more accurate implementation of landscape policies. The preparation of vector layers started with the check of existing databases, that provided us with some adequate data on the extents and locations of landscape features. The landscape features, that were not adequately represented in any existing database, were either digitised or mapped using machine learning techniques and remote sensing data.
Mapped landscape features in Javorje outstanding landscape. Cartography: Adam Gabrič
The mapping of vegetation landscape features (single trees, trees in lines, groups of trees and bushes, hedges, riparian vegetation) turned out to be most challenging. We developed a two-step detection model. In the first step orthophoto is used to provide the data on the canopies of vegetation landscape features. The detected canopies are subsequently sorted into landscape features classes (single trees, trees in lines, groups of trees and bushes, hedges, riparian vegetation).
Vegetation landscape features in Kobilje outstanding landscape. Cartography: Adam Gabrič
WP1 – Preparation of upgrade basics
WP2 – Methodology for upgrade of regionalisation and outstanding landscapes
WP3 – Upgrade of regionalisation, outstanding landscapes and widely recognizable areas
WP4 – Goals for protection, development and generation of rules for defining of outstanding landscapes on regional and local scale
WP5 – Inventarization and digitalisation of landscape features within outstanding landscapes