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Primož Čas

Research Assistant

01 470 64 96


Primož Čas graduated from the Faculty of organizational sciences in Kranj in the field of organizational informatics in 2007, and in 2012 from the  Higher vocational school Velenje in mechatronics. He then worked in the private sector as a developer in the production of business and marketing applications and websites. He also participated in the design and implementation of museum (Noordung Vitanje, Ljubno Rafting Museum, Velenje Museum), artistic (YouArt, Video-game) and educational (Pametna učilnica ljubno, Vzorčno mesto) installations.

He has been employed at the Center for remote sensing since 2024 as a research assistant on projects of automatic orthorectification and registration of high-resolution satellite images using deep learning and georeferencing of archival aerial photographs.

Automatic optical satellite image orthorectification and registration with advanced deep learning methods (fundamental research project • October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025)

BSc of Organizational sciences, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, 2007

Mechatronics engineer, Higher vocational school Velenje, 2012

Research areas
Geodezija P515

remote sensing